Saturday, February 9, 2013

Self Esteem

“Self-esteem is appreciating one’s own worth and importance, and having the character to be accountable for one’s self and act responsible towards others.” 

(US state task force on self-esteem, personal and social responsibility) 

“A confidence and satisfaction in oneself.” 

(Webster’s dictionary) 



Five ways to build prospect trust in one meeting

Trust starts early in life and is based on how we are received into the world. We learn to trust ourselves and begin to have a realistic trust of others. We begin to develop confidence in the self’s ability to choose others who are safe or who will 
not injure or exploit us. 


Self-Nurture is born of trust. We learn how to be caretakers of ourselves. 


Autonomy comes from mastery. We work through necessary dependencies to a growing independence. We find interdependence when we can separate ourselves from other around us and yet retain vital connections to others. 


Identity grows. We begin to know who we are and who we are becoming. In each stage of life, self-esteem undergoes change and growth. We feel more solid as our identity grows. 


Intimacy develops from identity and the need for connection. It is the ability to relate closely and to know the limits of closeness. We yearn to lose ourselves in love and yet we need to retain our own separate essence. 

Healthy self-esteem involves all of the above basic elements. If we lose those characteristics or never develop them, there is a significant absence of self-esteem. 

Low self-esteem affects our body, mind, and spirit. 

Dianne Barham, Call Centre for Youth Program, YWCA of Greater Toronto


Write down the answers to the following questions on a piece of paper.

  • What is my best feature?
  • What is my best talent?
  • What is my best work skill?
  • What is my best relationship?
  • What is my best memory?
  • What is my best achievement?
  • What is my best recreational activity?
  • What is my best recipe I make?
  • What is my best subject in school?
  • What is my best time of day?

  • Stand in a line facing each other.
  • One person at a time walks through the middle of the line.
  • Each person on the outside states something positive about the person walking through.


Self-esteem fluctuates at various times in one’s life. 

Think of a time when your self-esteem is high. 

• How do you feel when your self-esteem is high? How do you behave? 
• How do you feel about others when your self-esteem is high? How do you behave? 

Think of a time when your self-esteem is low.

• How do you feel when your self-esteem is low? How do you behave? 
• How do you feel about others when your self-esteem is low? How do you behave? 

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